Uncertainty is not only part of challenging times, but part of our daily life. Therefore, organizations face numerous uncertainties of varying consequence in everyday business. Founded in 2017, with the idea to encourage leaders to connect and discuss the relevant challenges of our time, DARWIN’S Circle started as an annual digital conference. Save the date at the 3rd of November 2022 at Palais Ferstel in Vienna to be part of relevant and future-focused innovation talks!
Current crises such as climate, war, post–covid, energy crisis and aggravated supply chains are accelerating the process towards more sustainability. Topics like green energy, sustainable data storage,
circular economy continue to grow in importance. The globally connected world is again dividing into geopolitical power blocs – Russia, China, America and EU.
What companies need to do – in adapting the existing and creating new solutions – to be still successful will be discussed at this year’s event!
For this year’s DARWIN’S CIRCLE, the focus lies on the best lessons to be learned from ongoing crises and on strategies helping us to manage and deliver value amid uncertainty, by showcasing how global corporations, startups and successful individuals guide their businesses through uncertain times.
Darwin’s Circle also continues to discuss exciting topics such as Artificial Intelligence, the Future of Mobility, Digital Transformation, as well as socio–economic topics encompassing the Future of Work, Digital Responsibility, Sustainability, Leadership and many more…
„It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.“ – Charles Darwin
Click here to read the follow up of the last edition of Darwin’s Circle.
We at DARWIN’S CIRCLE bring together global leaders from across all industries to talk about the digital future of business and society, while being inspired by the leading experts of the world’s most innovative companies.
DARWIN’S CIRCLE is known as a platform for digitalization and current technology–questions. Within its network, DARWIN’S CIRCLE enables exchange and knowledge building for international companies and global leaders at various high–level events. Leveraging competencies in the field of digital transformation is key as well as connecting stakeholders and partners to foster impact on all levels of our global challenges.
Lean back and take it all in: international thought leaders and digital experts are sharing their visions and knowledge in impactful keynote formats. In the Fireside chats experts are sharing their insights in a face-to-face conversation. Different perspectives, mind-blowing insights and no-bullshit-arguments are the core of Darwin’s Circle panel discussions featuring thought leaders from various industries. With DARWIN’S CIRCLE you get exclusive access to top international leaders and to position your business with national decision-makers.
A palace in Vienna in the unique Venetian–Florentine Trecento style. With magnificent rooms, magnificent chandeliers and a magnificent arcaded courtyard. An Italian palazzo – a perfect event location in the middle of Vienna in the 1st district on the Freyung.
Contact Details DARWIN’S CIRCLE
Lehárgasse 7 / Mezzanin
A–1060 Vienna
Nikolaus Pelinka
Irina Petricek–Steiner
Managing Director
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